The Amazing Race 5 Fanz
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The Amazing Race 5

This page will be about The Amazing Race 5. It will include weekly updates about each race episodes, quotes, and much more. Look for a completed page this summer when The Amazing Race 5 will be premiered.

News About The Race

* The Amazing Race will premiere on July 6 and continue on Tuesdays at 10.

* The 11 teams are now posted on the official page.

* Some new twists are in the way. Some of them are the last team to arrive in the Non-Elimination rounds will loose all their money, and start the next leg without money. Also there is a Yield which makes a team behind that team slow down. This can be only used once in the race.

* The official website for The Amazing Race 5 is officially up at On there you can see a small video clip preview of the show and it looks great.

More news to follow.



The Amazing Race Logo

Let The Race Begin

Eliminated Teams From Each Episode.

Leg 1- Dennis/Erika

Leg 2- Alison/Donny

Leg 3- Jim/Marsha

Leg 4- Bob/Joyce

Leg 5- ?

Leg 6- ?

Leg 7- ?

Leg 8- ?

Leg 9- ?

Leg 10- ?

Leg 12- ?

Leg 13- ?

The bolded legs I think are the Non-elimination legs. I got this guess from The Amazing Race 2 because they had the same number of teams. But who knows I could be wrong.


"Clearly I'm more intelligent than you!"

Thoughts On The Race

7/28 - This was a great episode. They had to travel so much from bus to plane just to get to Russia. I thought the detours were different from any that they did. The roadblocks have just been great this season. It was so great to see Chip eat the caviar in minutes. You didn't see much of the bowling moms, twins, or internet this week. It was real sad to see Bob/Joyce to go b/c they were such a strong team.

First Place Teams

Episode 4 Preview

"Are You Good At Puzzles?"